In fact, spending grew by 44 percent last year in the United States and Britain to $52 billion.
Are “we” really wasting a quarter of a trillion dollars every year?
Unfortunately, the answer to that question is becoming more and more obvious as companies start taking a closer look at their bottom lines.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve discussed the importance of tracking and targeting as you endeavor to make more sense of your marketing spend. So, what now? Well, it might seem obvious, but the key to success is actually REACHING customers where they are, in the right ways (all of them), in the places (all of them), at the right time.
Simple, right? Historically speaking, that would have been a rhetorical and somewhat facetious question, but these days, through person-based omni-channel marketing, the answer might surprise you.
Every decision a person makes says something about their preferences, capacity to spend, and future intent. That detailed data needs to be analyzed and scored with thousands of consumer data points — including insights gleaned from your customer data (such as demographics, transactional behaviors, and more) — to identify not only the people who have the highest preference for your brand, but those who will bring the most transactional value along with them. And then, you’ve got to go get ‘em.
Here’s how:
At blu, once we have the targeted audience defined, we determine a strategy. Because people consume media in many different ways, it has been proven that a multi-channel approach works best. From direct mail, email, and digital, or any combination of those, we are able to use these addressable media channels to speak to the consumer at a personal one-to-one level.
While direct mail and email are rather easy to market individually, digital can be more challenging. Blu is able to match individuals to their online personas through LiveRamp, an online identity resolution provider. Then we distribute those audiences to various DMPs (Data Management Provider), DSPs (Demand-side Platforms) and Social Platforms to leverage programmatic buys and maximize reach potential. In this way, blu is only marketing to the matched individuals when and where they are spending time online.
Here’s the thing:
Multichannel marketing can’t just be about getting your message out there in as many places as possible. You’ve got to give customers a unified and personalized experience across your various marketing channels.
And that’s where blu comes in.
Next week, we’ll talk about the different content triggers that help campaigns resonate with crystal clarity.
WanaInfluence? Check back next week.
Blu can help you track your total marketing spend to the very cent through our 24/7 web portal. From creating content that engages emotionally and rationally with individuals, to posting content on channels that engages your most potentially profitable customers, to tracking that customer to a sale or transaction. We can show you where every last nickel of your ad budget is sparking results. Learn more about our Brandwashing process.