Get to Know Your Customers Day is July 16 (but for Blu it’s everyday).
Sounds made-up, we know. Like National Houseplant Appreciation Day, or Campfire Day, or National Work Like a Dog Day, which is coming up in August, for the record.
In a world where everything seems to have its own day or month or irrational cause for celebration — including chili dogs; don’t forget that National Chili Dog Day is July 30 this year — days like Get to Know Your Customers Day can be lost in the chaos, or simply shrugged off as another “nothing holiday.”
But if you are a part of a business — any business — Get to Know Your Customers Day should be the number one day on your list! Why? Well, outside of the feel-good answer of “serving your customers the right way is the right thing to do” (which is both true and admirable), the fact of the matter is, getting to KNOW your customers is good for business.
are willing to pay more for great customer experience
make impulse purchases after receiving personalized customer experience
are willing to pay more for great customer experience
make impulse purchases after personalized customer experience
The Temkin Group released a study recently that states 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for great customer experience. 49% have made impulse purchases after receiving a more personalized customer experience, and a follow-up study found that by the end of 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator.

And here’s the thing: Knowing your customer is the only way to truly serve them well and provide that remarkable customer experience.
A different study by Cisco recently reported that more than two-thirds of U.S. consumers are willing to provide more personal information in order to receive a more personalized service. Now we’re talking.
But what can all of these numbers mean for you, and what in the word does this have to do with Get to Know Your Customers Day?

And here’s the thing: Knowing your customer is the only way to truly serve them well and provide that remarkable customer experience.
A different study by Cisco recently reported that more than two-thirds of U.S. consumers are willing to provide more personal information in order to receive a more personalized service. Now we’re talking.
But what can all of these numbers mean for you, and what in the word does this have to do with Get to Know Your Customers Day?
Let’s take a look at a quick hypothetical:
Say you’re a popular dog food seller. But it’s not just any dog food. You provide top of the line, best-in-market, almost too-good-to-put-in-a-bowl dog food. Admittedly, not every dog owner will buy this food. Some people couldn’t care less that your dog food is made from natural, organic non-GMO ingredients, with hand-picked grains and grass-fed beef bits, then preserved in BPA-free plastic containers.
But some people do. A lot of people. We’re talking thousands and thousands of potential customers who want what you’re selling, but if you don’t know them, you can’t serve them.
In fact, last month, 67% of your marketing budget was spent on cat owners. Not that there’s anything wrong with cat people… they’re just not YOUR people.

But some people do. A lot of people. We’re talking thousands and thousands of potential customers who want what you’re selling, but if you don’t know them, you can’t serve them.
In fact, last month, 67% of your marketing budget was spent on cat owners. Not that there’s anything wrong with cat people… they’re just not YOUR people.

When it comes to your business, it’s time to stop guessing and start KNOWING. At Blu, we give you the power to find (and get to know) the right people in the right places at the right times. We provide the vision and insight you need to identify your best customers; to target the people most likely to be impacted; and then focus on the best ways to be seen, heard, and understood by the people who matter most — YOUR CUSTOMERS.
Here’s how you know.
First, we analyze your data. More than 3,000 data points (including income, life stage, credit capacity, purchase trends, and about 2,994 others) that indicate character traits and predict behaviors to really get to KNow your best customers. Then, we are able to build custom audiences, and use Online Identity Resolution to connect hundreds of identifiers from different channels, platforms and devices, which enable us to make informed and specific decisions both online and offline…at the same time. Then, we use people-based marketing (we never market to groups or cookies) to send messages to YOUR BEST CUSTOMERS (people who are proven to be most receptive to your brand).
It might sound a bit overwhelming, but the result is quite simple. Blu helps you know your customer. All that to say that today is a pretty big day to us.
So, on behalf of Blu, we’d like to say HAPPY GET TO KNOW YOUR CUSTOMERS DAY! We’d love to get to know you better and help you celebrate this special day the right way.
UPDATE: We just found out the July 16 is also Fresh Spinach Day. Oh, well. No day is perfect.
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