Consumers can barely blink without seeing an advertising message in some way, shape, or form.
Ads that pop up when you just really want to get to the next song or the next show.
Flyers posted on pin-up boards at the water cooler.
Postcards in your mailbox.
Billboards and signs on your joyful afternoon drive around town.
Facebook ads.
Instagram ads.
Pop up ads.
Ads upon ads upon ads…upon ads!
“Nobody counts the number of ads you run; they just remember the impression you make.”
So how can your brand cut through the clutter? How can you ensure your message is capturing attention? How do you motivate prospects to buy your product or service?
Gain Share of Mind—Not Share of Voice.

For simplicity, let’s say there are 10 advertisements in your industry and marketing area, one of which is yours. You have 10% share of voice.
Now let’s say that all those other ads are the typical bland, boring ads everyone else does. But your ad is a bright, shiny, alluring ad that blows those other ads out of the water. When people see your ad, it will capture their attention and imagination and stand out in their minds. When they think about the product or service you offer, your brand will be the one that they think of. That’s share of mind.
Let’s go back to our example. With your one ad out of ten, your share of voice in the market is 10%.
But, people group like things together. So all those other bland and boring ads get lumped together in consumers’ minds, leaving your razzle-dazzle ad in a category of its own. Now you have two distinct groups: boring ads and your ad—giving you 50% share of mind.
How do you ensure your advertisements have what it takes to gain share of mind?

Tap into consumers’ internal impulses & motivations.
Impulses aren’t as impulsive as you think. Learn what impulses and motivators drive your consumers’ behavior and then read how physical triggers impact response.
Tell a story.
If you missed the last blog post, stories are powerful. The most powerful form of communication, in fact. Using the impulses and motivations you’ve learned in the previous step, tell a story with your brand as the hero, solving problems and making your consumers’ lives better.
Don’t just make it memorable, make it relevant.
We’ve all had those times where we’re telling our co-workers about a funny commercial, but we just can’t, for the life of us, remember what was being promoted. That’s partly because the ad probably didn’t take subconscious impulses and drivers into account, but also because what was being promoted simply wasn’t relevant to us. If it’s not relevant to you, it won’t trigger your memory.