Dec 13, 2018 | Brandwashing, Marketing Insight, Strategy
Imagine you’re standing in a frozen yogurt shop. There are 15 yogurt flavors to choose from, 47 topping choices, and 3 sizes—that is 497,025 choices—so the only thing that limits you in your creation is your imagination and how much you want to pay for the weight of...
Dec 4, 2018 | Brandwashing, Marketing Insight, Strategy
Brands often report on marketing spends by focusing on the average. Average ticket, average transaction size, etc. While we have all embraced financial accountability in marketing as it is simply the new reality, should how we report shape how we market? Maybe a...
Nov 27, 2018 | Analytics, Brandwashing, Strategy
Every generation has its own version of what “power to the people” means and how it will help humanity. Revolutionaries seeking social equality, racial reconciliation, and political freedom from oppression have all grabbed hold of the promise of power. While we plan...
Nov 1, 2018 | Brandwashing, Creative, Strategy
You’ll probably get tired of hearing us say this (if you’re not already), but if you want to persuade someone to buy something from you—whether it is a product, service, or idea—you can’t just tell them the facts. Sure, there’s a time and place to tell potential...
May 3, 2018 | Analytics, Brandwashing, Marketing Insight, Strategy
The field of marketing has deep roots in psychology and human behavior. After all, if you want to influence people to act a certain way, you must first understand what drives them. While psychology concepts are vast and complex, here are a few you can quickly leverage...
Nov 2, 2017 | Analytics, Brandwashing, Business, Marketing Insight, Strategy
You’re swinging through the drive-thru picking up your #PumpkinSpiceLatte—and it’s all free, thanks to your punch card. That awesome selfie with the perfect filter you posted an hour ago is now at 20 likes…and counting. And just when you thought it couldn’t get...