Dec 28, 2020 | Analytics, Brandwashing, Dare and Endure, KNow, Marketing Insight, Strategy, Tech
“Pivot! Pivot! Pivot!” If 2020 has taught us anything, it is the importance of being able to make big decisions — sometimes life changing or business-altering decisions — quickly and often. Being able to pivot on strategy, execution, and even planning for...
Aug 7, 2020 | Analytics, Brandwashing, Business, Dare and Endure, KNow, Marketing Insight, Strategy
National Book Lovers Day is August 9. Bet you didn’t know that. Or, maybe you’re a certified bibliophile, and this is the day you’ve been waiting for all year! Either way, August 9 is a very special day, and we’re here to help celebrate books and book lovers...
Jul 15, 2020 | Analytics, Brandwashing, Business, Dare and Endure, KNow, Marketing Insight, Strategy
Get to Know Your Customers Day is July 16 (but for Blu it’s everyday). Sounds made-up, we know. Like National Houseplant Appreciation Day, or Campfire Day, or National Work Like a Dog Day, which is coming up in August, for the record. In a world where everything seems...
May 14, 2020 | Analytics, Brandwashing, Business, Dare and Endure, Marketing Insight, Strategy
Everyone loves a good dashboard full of data, but, put bluntly, not all data is the same! Learning what data to build your brand strategy upon is critical. There Are Four Basic Types of Data: first-party data. This is your customer data that you can validate. Trust it...
May 14, 2020 | Analytics, Brandwashing, Business, Dare and Endure, Marketing Insight, Strategy
To be able to manage it with excellence you need to be able to measure it. Flatten the curve. This phrase will be part of our American vocabulary forever as a marker of the season dominated by the coronavirus. Never has data measurement been more important and so...
May 14, 2020 | Analytics, Brandwashing, Business, Creative, Dare and Endure, Marketing Insight, Strategy
Define how you will interact with your audience and what they need from you. Much has already been written in the way of remaining sensitive to COVID-19 and the need for social responsibility. It is critical that we as marketers don’t break any of those rules of...