Define how you will interact with your audience and what they need from you.
Much has already been written in the way of remaining sensitive to COVID-19 and the need for social responsibility. It is critical that we as marketers don’t break any of those rules of socially responsible marketing. Most of us have implemented the first wave of COVID-influenced messaging. But what is next? How has COVID affected your brand’s core benefit? Brands built on speed, in-person services or gatherings, convenience, or even the newcomer giants like ridesharing have to hit the invention button on their brand messaging in the short-term and maybe the long term.
How can the virtual world impart value through your brand delivery channels?
How do we build brand content around those new emerging trends?
One man’s loss is another man’s gain. If rideshare drops, that has to benefit used car sales, right? If people don’t cruise for a couple of years, who will snatch those vacation dollars? How? What messaging mix works best and can stimulate the sale? If people don’t want to use airline transportation for a while, what will replace that other than virtual meetings? Destination spots will suffer, but more local vacation spots should thrive. It’s as if the landscape of how we search, fulfill and enjoy our wants and needs has been reset, and it will require retooling not only what we do, but also how we flex our brand muscles to retain customers and attract prospects.

source: Skift, April 20, 2020
> What’s best to say next? We need to start to understand now.
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