I don’t know about where you live, but in Alabama where blu’s offices are located, it’s been exceptionally rainy this past week. We’ve gotten quite a few laughs from the highly-entertaining memes.

But while we’re all wondering why Alabama suddenly feels like Seattle, all this weather has me thinking about how a downpour from gray skies really affects us. And it turns out, gloomy weather isn’t as bleak as it seems if you look a little deeper and see the benefits.
When rainy weather is on the horizon, what do people do? They use umbrellas, cancel plans, stay inside. Or if it’s severe weather, they stock up on necessary items, get weather radios and batteries, break out their stash of candles. They get prepared.
Deliberate, intentional actions lead to success.
Buying out the store’s stock of staples like bread and milk means when the power’s off or you’re stuck without access to roads for days, your family can sustain itself and thrive even when life throws a curve ball.
Likewise, in marketing, a plan of action—a strategy—sets your campaign up for success.
And when your marketing campaign comes across a challenge or setback (and it will), you’ll be prepared for the “rain.” Did we mention people stay inside more when the weather’s bad? Bored people stuck inside tend to use more media—watch more TV, get on the internet, browse social media. That’s opportunity you can take advantage of…with just a little preparation.
With an intentional, well-thought-out strategy to guide you and get you prepared for whatever may come…well, a little bit of water won’t stop you from winning.
If you’re looking for the bread and milk of your marketing strategy, contact us. We’re here to help…rain or shine.